
Cortney Allen Column: It’s game time

‘Tis the season for stuffing, football and family. By stuffing I mean a turkey, not ourselves. Although it’s ...


John Hood Column: It’s not about urban vs. rural

How should we respond to the urban-rural divide? The question has legions of politicians, scholars, journalists, and businesses ...


D.G. Martin Column: Help wanted — female

“The real mystery after half a century,” Wyndham Robertson says, “is why life at the top of large ...


Doug Creamer Column: Christmas snow

Did it snow at your house? Depending on where you live, you might have gotten a big snow ...


Larry Penkava Column: Lamentations of a deer on the run

As a deer I hate this time of year. If it weren’t bad enough trying to trip across ...


Bobbi Sheets Column: Fetz Hartsell helped fellow veterans

Why do you pass out Buddy Poppies? Is it to help other veterans through the relief fund? Were ...


Tracey Almond Column: Palestine parade rolls on in memory of Sue Ramsey

The skies were gray but the smiles were bright on Sunday as folks filled the roadsides of the ...


John Hood Column: Falsehoods common in political debate

RALEIGH — The great British statesman and writer Edmund Burke was a critic of his government’s treatment of ...


Roger Watson Column: Though gift didn’t arrive safely, the thought was in right place

I’ve had lots of bad ideas in my time. Last week’s candy cane caper will certainly find its ...


Doug Creamer Column: Worry and friends

Last week my students competed at the district level in the DECA competition. The competition was held in ...

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