AHS class celebrates 60th reunion
Published 2:15 pm Friday, October 19, 2018
- Albemarle High School Class of 1958 held its 60th class reunion at Tillery Tradition Country Club on Oct.13. Classmates include: first row, l-r: Peggy Smith Grigg, Diane Watkins Earnhardt, Rita Morris Morgan, Betty Holt Harwood, Janet Lunsford Crisco, Agnes Lawhon Crayton; second row: Kitty Almond Robison, Martha Huckabee Lowder, Barbara Hoey Pinion, Gail Buck Josey, Betsy King Pegram, Pat Starnes Bramlett, Peggie Lisk Smith; third row: Kay Swindell Cochran, Pat Smith Gardner, Stan Lawhon, Barbara Smith Johnson, Martha Barbee Eudy, Carolyn Nicholds Fitzgerald, Molly Holbrook Thomas; fourth row: Kenneth Huneycutt, Marney Lowder, Jerry Reid, Bill Hartsell; fifth row: Reggie Crowell, Kenneth Helderman, Jeff Hartsell, Wade McSwain, Eddie Doby; sixth row: Roger Whitley, Larry Mullis, Ronnie Morris, Jim Johnson, Cary McSwain, Tommy Murrell, Judy Murrell, Gary Pinion, and James Johnson. Not pictured: Garry Howard, who arrived after the photo was taken.
The Albemarle High School Class of 1958 celebrated its 60th class reunion at Tillery Tradition Country Club on Oct. 13.
Thirty-nine of the classmates attended the dinner on the seasonal fall evening. Ronnie Morris traveled the farthest, San Diego, to attend the gathering.
They honored the 42 classmates that have since passed away by reading their names aloud along with a moment of silence.
The Class of ‘58 shares the distinction of being the last class to attend the original AHS, located at the present-day Central Elementary. In 1959, the high school moved to its present location on Park Ridge Road.