Albemarle Rotary upgrades All Children’s Playground

More than 10 years ago, Albemarle Rotary Club partnered with the Stanly County YMCA to raise funds and receive grants to complete the All-Children’s Playground at the YMCA Park.

This park is owned by the YMCA and is at the corner of C.B. Crook Drive and North First Street. The playground has been used by thousands of community youth since it was installed.

Last year the Rotary Club received a District grant from the Rotary Foundation to cover 50% of the cost of fresh mulch to improve the safety and appearance of the playground.

Albemarle Rotary members and many others raised the matching funds with the annual Reverse Raffle last fall. Recently, tons of mulch were delivered and placed in the playground area.

Benjie Burris brought his equipment to help spread the mulch and Rotarians followed by raking the remaining piles and making sure fresh mulch was under all the fall zones of the equipment.

Further work may involve fresh paint on some of the older equipment.
Rotary President Bob Remsburg expressed his thanks to the Albemarle community for supporting the efforts of the Albemarle Rotary Club as it aims to help youth.

The Albemarle Rotary Club meets each Thursday at noon at the Magnolia Room of Atrium Health Stanly.
