Produce boxes available to active Senior Center members this week at nutrition sites
Stanly County seniors who are active at the Senior Center have the chance to receive fresh produce Tuesday and Wednesday thanks to a local partnership between Stanly Community Christian Ministry, the Senior Center, First United Methodist Church of Norwood and several farms.
On Tuesday, eligible seniors can receive a box of produce at the Albemarle nutrition site and on Wednesday they can receive it at the Oakboro and Norwood nutrition sites. The produce will come from four locations: Spring Lake Farms, Juneberry Ridge, Manna Hill Farm and Thomas Family Farm.
The food giveaway is the result of a grant First UMC Norwood received from Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA’s Come to the Table program. The program’s mission, according to RAFI-USA’s website, is to “end hunger by developing connections and building power to create a just food system where food is a human right and those who work in the system have ownership and are treated with dignity.”
The church had approached SCCM about a partnership prior to applying for the grant, said Jenny Clore, development director with SCCM.
The event is a supplement to a similar SCCM program started in May, where it partnered with the Senior Center to provide produce boxes once a month for seniors who attend their lunch locations, Clore said.
The organization received produce in May and June from its partner, Second Harvest Food Bank Metrolina of Charlotte. In the fall, the organization plans to provide shelf-stable items.
“Any senior who gets involved with the Senior Center could be eligible for these boxes,” Clore said.