Stanly Community College announces student leaders

Stanly Community College (SCC) recently announced the new Student Government Association (SGA) officers slate for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Gage Barrier, an Associate in Arts student, has been elected president by the college’s student body.

Barrier is from Mount Pleasant and, in addition to presiding at monthly SGA meetings, will be the student representative on the College’s Board of Trustees. An honors student, he was the SGA treasurer for 2022-23. He was a member of the SCC team that placed second in the national Hospitality Management competition at the Future Business Leaders of America Collegiate (FBLA-C) National Leadership Conference in Atlanta this past summer.

“Being SGA president is a unique opportunity,” Barrier said, “and I look forward to the leadership training and experiences I will have as I serve and represent SCC students.”

Following a year as the SGA Public Information Officer, Toby Neal was elected vice president. Neal is also an Associate in Arts student from Mount Pleasant. He serves as president of the SCC FBLA-C chapter and, in addition to top awards in the Future Business Executive and Impromptu Speaking competitive events, was elected as national FBLA-C president at the group’s national conference. He is also a member of Phi Theta Kappa, the college’s academic honors organization.

Callie Ball was elected as SGA secretary. From Albemarle, Ball is an honors student in the Associate in Science program. She is also a member of Phi Theta Kappa and FBLA-C and a former member of the Stanly Early College Quiz Bowl team.

Timothy Karabet was elected as SGA treasurer. He is from Stanfield and is in the Associate in Science program. He is also an FBLA-C and Phi Theta Kappa group member.

Completing the SGA officer team is Lani Pope as public information officer. Pope is from Norwood and is in the Associate in Arts program and working toward a Business Administration certificate. She is also a member of Phi Theta Kappa and FBLA-C.

In addition to the monthly SGA meetings, which include representatives of all the SCC student organizations, the officers assist in the planning and implementing such campus activities as FallFest and SpringFling.
Serving as SGA advisers are Jamie Morton and Dan Hazlett.

“We are certainly excited to have this outstanding group of students leading SGA for this year,” Morton said. “They are all outstanding students involved and engaged in student organizations and activities. With their leadership experiences, they will serve and represent the student body well.”

The SCC SGA is a North Carolina Comprehensive Community College Student Government Association (N4CSGA) member, and the officers will participate in the annual N4CSGA Conference this spring.

