LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Richfield, the truth hurts

As a resident of Richfield, recent SNAP articles have saddened me about the negative image of our town. Not that the media is wrong in posting their facts — it is just that the truth hurts.

First, it was posted that the town council did not want a community table at the Methodist church because there was a better location to feed the hungry. I honestly believe God would say, “anywhere is a good place to feed a hungry person.”

Second, it was reported that Richfield was the worst in the county out of 13 districts in getting fully vaccinated. A local citizen told me that he would not take the shot because God would protect him. I told the man that if I have a conversation with God and he says don’t take the vaccine I will listen, but I will ask him why do race car drivers wear seat belts and crash helmets.

Stanly County can do much better in saving lives if everyone will get vaccinated. Ask yourself, how many people do you know who have died from the taking the vaccine?

Last, on a scale of 1 to 13, someone has to be first and someone has to be last. If all the percentages were almost the same it would not be a disgrace to be in last place. Congratulations to the Town of Badin on being first with 30 percent. (Nearly twice as good as Richfield being last at 16 percent.)

Jim Misenheimer

