Pfeiffer Wind Ensemble, friends perform tonight
The Pfeiffer University Wind Ensemble and Friends will present its Spring
Concert at 7 p.m. April 22 in the Henry Pfeiffer Chapel.
The program is directed by Tim Hedrick, adjunct professor of instrumental music at Pfeiffer University. Admission to the concert is free.
The Pfeiffer University Wind Ensemble is made up of music majors and
other student musicians. The group also includes several friends
from the Stanly County Concert Band and community. The friends help
provide some of the instruments not played by students but provide the full
instrumentation needed to play the music.
The program will include:
“Ever The Rambling Winds” (Concert March) by Joseph Benjamin Earp;
“America The Beautiful” by Claude T. Smith featuring Senior Flute Soloist
Chris Taylor;
“COOL from West Side Story” by Leonard Bernstein featuring Music Major
Ellie Mullins on drum set;
“A Hymn For Band” by Hugh M. Stuart;
“Pixar Movie Favorites” arranged by Michael Brown;
“Stone Mountain Overture” by Claude T. Smith; and
“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” by John Williams featuring Senior Flute
Soloist Rachel Blue.