Palestine UMC hears Gideon presentation

The Father’s Day worship service on June 17 at Palestine United Methodist Church was led by Pastor Kevin McCormac. The title of his message was “A Father’s Intent” and scripture reading came from 1 Corinthians 2:1, 3:9-15, 4:1-2 and 10-17, and Acts 17.

During the service, a baptismal ceremony was held for Mandalyn and Maddox Treadaway. In celebration of Father’s Day, all men in attendance were presented with a “Men of God” devotional book.

June 24 was Gideon Sunday. McCormac was attending annual conference so the congregation welcomed Dick Norwood from Gideons International to speak during the service.

Norwood spoke with the congregation about what Gideons International does in communities worldwide.

A love offering was taken at the conclusion of the service to help further the work of the Gideons.

Vacation Bible school will be 5:30-8 p.m. July 16-20. Volunteers are needed to set up on July 14. Please see Audrey Carter to help with teaching or any other available positions.

For June, the Peanut Butter and Jelly Ministry is collecting all types of juices. Please see Susie Bowers or Robi Cagle with donations. Many thanks to all who have helped and continue to help this ministry provide food for children during the summer months.

The Love Thy Neighbor group will serve at the Community Table on July 7. The group will meet at the Community Table building at 10 a.m. and serve from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. If you are interested in serving, please contact any member of the Love Thy Neighbor group.

Volunteers are needed for children’s church for June, July and October. Please see Joyce Hathcock to volunteer.

The Love Thy Neighbor ministry can be reached at or 704-690-4940.

June Birthdays

28 – Joyce Hathcock; 30 – Shirley Drye.

June Anniversaries

26 – Dewey and Vera Hopkins; 29 – Billy and Renae Hathcock.

Upcoming Events

Sundays – EPIC 4:12 meets at 5 p.m. in the church parsonage.

Sundays – GLOW meets at 5 p.m.

Wednesday – Home Alone group will meet in the church fellowship hall at 4 p.m.

July 5 – Palestine United Methodist Women will meet at 7 p.m. in the church fellowship hall.

July 7 – Love Thy Neighbor group will feed at the Community Table at 10 a.m.

July 10 – Palestine Pals group will meet at 11:30 a.m. at Rosebriar Restaurant.

July 16-20 – Vacation Bible school beginning at 5:30 p.m. each day.

Community Prayer Concerns

Christian Thompson; Martha Wilcox; Pastor Bird and family; Jim Freeman; Folger Koontz; Dana Quinn; Mildred Efird; Dale Lowder; Jan Furr; Susie Bowers; Nellie and Leroy Tucker; Sherrill Drye; Julie Crisco; Keith Drye; Ralph Thompson; Millie McCormac; Taylor and baby Bo; Helen Adams; Linda Ussery; Michael Hargest; Johnsie Herlocker; Jean Almond; Robi Cagle; Reggie Smith; Pauline Rinehart; Jef Ferris; Nancy and Lanny Cranford; Aly Speight; Mac Drye; Debbie Drye; John Orlowski; Robert Jordan and family; Blanche Barbee; Grace Hatley; Frances Scott; Rhonda Drought; Wendell Drye’s sisters Camelia and Kim; Eddie and Janice Blalock; Richard Tucker; JW Fraley; Linda Fraley; Vera Hopkins; Brad Schiele; Kevin Kubacki; Tiffany Eudy; the Bryant family; Kate Drye; Mary Ann Brantley; Franklin Lathan; Joyce Hathcock’s mother Lorene; Shorty Hathcock; Marvin and Barbara Hinson; Doris Beverly; Ricky and Etta Hopkins; Luther Hatley; Jeremy Watkins; Monty Clark; Terri Random; Debbie Davis; Earl Oates; Dianne Conner’s friend and family; family of Jason Braley; family of Frances Phillips; family of Dakota Snavely; family of Sue Jordan; family of Wilene James; family of Jackie Almond; family of Jennifer Kimrey; Nick Rochester; Don Heafner.
