REGIONAL: Traffic shift scheduled on Cabarrus County bridge project

MOUNT PLEASANT – The N.C. Department of Transportation is temporarily closing a Cabarrus County road as part of a $4 million bridge project on N.C. 73 over Dutch Buffalo Creek, just outside Mount Pleasant.

Contract crews with NJR Group, Inc. of Albemarle will close Dutch Road at N.C. 73 on April 1 for approximately three weeks. During the closure, crews will tie in the new bridge and roadway alignment on N.C. 73, and complete grading and paving work.

The new bridge is located just north of the existing bridge with three travel lanes – each 12 feet wide – with four-foot shoulders on either side.

A detour will be in place for drivers along Little Bear Creek Road and Lentz Harness Shop Road, returning to N.C. Highway 73.

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