West Stanly JROTC continues work to build tribute to veterans

What was meant to be a tribute to veterans who attended West Stanly High School has been met with delay after delay.

However, a new push is underway to get it completed.

The West Stanly JROTC began selling bricks in early 2021 to build a memorial walkway for veterans.

“It moves on donations and volunteer labor coordinated with weather and school calendars,” said retired Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Ritchie L. Stiller, who is the JROTC aerospace science instructor at West Stanly.

“The first round of bricks were ordered and are on site,” Stiller said in December. “The first order was not a large enough quantity to fill the walkway. Additional bricks are being ordered that will possibly fill two-thirds of the walk being prepared.”

The walk will hold around 180 bricks, with larger 8×8 bricks available for $125 and 4×8 bricks for $65.

There were 78 spots filled as of late December.

“We are planning to purchase blank bricks to fill the walk while other orders are placed and ordered,” Stiller said.

Bricks can still be ordered, with a minimum of 10 bricks needed to avoid shipping charges. Forms are also available in the front office at West Stanly or by contacting a JROTC staff member or cadet.

“Some members of the Class of 1969 came out and prepared the area so the concrete forms can be placed and concrete poured at the same time a new sidewalk to the math building is poured,” Stiller said. “The math building sidewalk has been delayed due to the concrete professional being injured. Our plan is to pour both areas at the same time to benefit from a possible donation of the concrete.”

Anyone wishing to make a donation for the blank bricks or purchase bricks can contact Stiller at 704-961-5200 ext. 5228.
