LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Former mayor shares concerns about Norwood
After the reading the comments on thesnaponline.com of the Aug. 2 Norwood Town Board meeting, I decided to share my entire comments made that night expressing my concern over several issues.
Below are my public comments:
Mayor, Council, citizens of Norwood and visitors,
I am Beverly Johnson of 474 Tranquil Bay Circle, a former zoning and planning board member, town commissioner and mayor of Norwood.
I am here to address this board about my concerns with the way this administration and board seem to be handling the termination of long-time employees, and the turnover of personnel.
From about 2013 through 2016, I was associated with Kelly Caudle who worked at the town hall.
Being in the office almost daily during this time period, I had the opportunity to observe how she handled her job and her relations with the public.
Never did I ask for information that was not promptly and professionally provided.
Never at any time have I heard her be rude with any irate customer, or not deal with them except in a calm and helpful manner, so yes, I am disappointed, that with her training and expertise of municipal rules and regulations, that she and other water, sewer, maintenance and office employees will no longer be serving the citizens of Norwood.
Board members, I have some questions for you even though you cannot respond to items related to personnel.
Do any of you on this board have any idea what was Kelly’s daily duties?
Have any of you spent a few hours observing what goes on with her job or any of the other employees that have left?
Have any of you ever been escorted off a job by the police because someone didn’t like you or for giving a two week notice?
This type of treatment of employees certainly does not appear to give the Town of Norwood a good image, nor make it attractive for folks who might want to move or work here.
As my mother drilled into me, actions speak louder than words, and frankly the actions of this board and administration are not very becoming.
Thank you for listening to my concerns.
Beverly L. Johnson