Z - Newsletter Opinion


The other day we were so busy inside the house, we hadn’t been outside all day. My wife ...


JOHN HOOD COLUMN: Yes, government can be shrunk

I’ve been spending a lot of time recently in conversation with right-leaning leaders, policy experts, donors and activists. ...


JOHN HOOD COLUMN: School closures were a mistake

Closing down school buildings for many months last year — and offering poorly planned and executed virtual schooling ...

Z - Newsletter Opinion


I opened Facebook the other day and saw a post about homecoming from a former colleague at East ...

Z - Newsletter Opinion

DG MARTIN COLUMN: Following Macbeth’s advice in Afghanistan

Can Shakespeare’s Macbeth help us deal with President Biden’s decision to pull all American troops out of Afghanistan ...

Z - Newsletter Opinion

JOHN HOOD COLUMN: There is no free ride

RALEIGH — The latest news about North Carolina transportation was no surprise. In a pattern all too familiar, ...

Z - Newsletter Opinion

JOHN HOOD COLUMN: We all win when we argue

RALEIGH — In the England of the early 20th century, there were no two writers more dissimilar than ...

Z - Newsletter Opinion

DG MARTIN COLUMN: Bland Simpson’s North Carolina

The next time somebody asks you to describe North Carolina, pull out and read aloud this quote from ...

Z - Newsletter Opinion

THE LIBRARY LOOKOUT COLUMN: A legacy of literacy

When you think of Dolly Parton, you may think of country music and blonde hair, but in Stanly ...

Z - Newsletter Opinion

DOUG CREAMER COLUMN: One step at a time

I had the privilege of having lunch with my niece and her husband last week. They have been ...

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