LETTER TO THE EDITOR: We choose democracy

Published 2:44 pm Friday, July 12, 2024

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Editor’s Note: The writer is responding to a letter in the July 6-7 edition.

Are we frightened, Dr Beard asks?
You bet we are!
We just heard candidate for NC Governor Robinson say from a white Christian pulpit last weekend, “Some folks need killing!” And he said it twice with some of the women behind him clapping.
To be fair, some of those women were squirming in their seats, but the ones who clapped? They frighten us as much as Robinson.
The Supreme Court, having given total immunity to any president who commits crimes while in office, has also given permission to the likes of Robinson, to say such dreadful anti-Christian things like he did.
What kind of church allows Robinson to say this from their pulpit?
What kind of people laugh and clap at the other racist, misogynist, antisemitic and violent speech of the followers of the Trump MAGA movement?
Anyone voting for the likes of Robinson is voting for violence and every evil that comes out of this mouth.
The choice is the loss of our democracy or continuing the great record of Governor Cooper by voting for Josh Stein.
We chose democracy. We chose Josh Stein.
Nancy Bryant