Letter to the Editor: Bloodsport without value
Published 10:38 am Saturday, February 16, 2019
Wildlife killing contests are completely at odds with the ethics of hunting and the humane values of most North Carolinians.
The organized slaughter of N.C. wildlife for fun and money is both immoral and unethical. In fact, killing wildlife for prizes and money should be banned nationwide.
Organizers put out misleading information stating control of the coyote population makes this event necessary every year. The fact is killing coyotes is known to cause an increase in breeding and birth rates. This compensates for the number killed in blood-sport contests. The coyote killing contest has no long term effect on the population.
The participants contribute to animal cruelty under the guise of animal management.
Every high tech device from night vision to electronic calls are used to increase the kill. There is no sport involved.
Importantly, no information is provided by the coyote hunt organizers about the dark side of the killing contest.
For example, animal cruelty is caused by coyotes being wounded, not found and suffering for days. Others are wounded and live only to starve. Others are wounded and are in pain and suffer while waiting to be taken to the contest scales.
This wholesale killing of wildlife shows no respect for a valuable animal that is an important part of the ecosystem or any concern about the adverse effects that occur when coyotes are taken out of the ecosystem.
The citizens of Stanly County and county management should obtain accurate factual information about coyotes that can be provided by national environmental and wildlife experts.
It is time to end the county’s support of this needless animal slaughter.
Studies show the indiscriminate killing of native carnivores like coyotes in these contests will only temporarily reduce their numbers, will not protect livestock and will not increase game species.
These contests have no redeeming value.
The citizens of Stanly and county management must be concerned about the negative publicity and harm to the county’s image caused by government support of this unjustified and cruel killing of wildlife.
County management and citizens should recognize the potential harm that results when children and young adults are exposed to these activities and the bloody bodies that are put on public display. A child’s lifetime values of respect for life, compassion and empathy can be damaged.
Stanly County, North Carolina and the nation must act to get rid of these cruel animal killing contests for good.
Rather than participating, Stanly can lead by example by rejecting the false facts and cruelty surrounding these animal killing contests.
Let us celebrate the life and wonders of our wildlife together.
Peter MacQueen III
Humane Society
of Eastern NC